Sushi Memo

Sushi memo! They are just perfect for your school notes and office memos!

Toro, Tuna, Salmon and Tamago

Memo Block

Perfect for Your Desk

Source: Read

Who Stole My Ice Cream?

Have you ever lived in a dorm? Or have you ever had roommates?

If you do, you may have some experience with your food being stolen. It definitely wasn’t some great feeling. Bryan found this great lock online, which would prevent your ice-cream being stolen. Haha…. I love it! It is funny! It may seem a bit mean. But if you have a food thief at home, this may not be a bad idea after all. And you will never need to ask “Who stole my ice cream?!?!”

Pint Lock From Ben & Jerry’s

Where can you get one? Read

How much is it? US$4.40

Source: Read

A Short Film By A Cat

This short film is very cool, and it is filmed by a cat. The owner put a video camera on the cat’s leash, and we get to get a glimpse of the cat’s day. I wish I can get one of those cameras.

My neighbor has a black cat. This little guy just goes all over the neighborhood. Sometimes, you see him wandering around on the next street. Sometimes, he is resting and sleeping on a soft grass. Recently, he likes to come up to Bryan and me. He likes us petting him. For a few times, he even followed us home. I wish we can let him inside, but we have Tuna (guinea pig). It won’t be a good idea to let our cat friend come in. If this little black cat has this video camera, we would be able to tell what he does all day long!

Our Cat Friend

Want the video camera for your pet?

Eyenimal: Read

Source: Read

Cool Butter Spoon Design

I love the design. I hope this will really put to real life! They are so cute and convenient!

Source: Read

Little Gifts From Japan

Bryan’s office always have visitors and guests. Some of them are from other countries, like India, China, Japan, Korea, and Sweden. Many of the guests are really nice, and they would bring gifts.

The other day, Bryan told me that he received two little gifts from a Japanese visitor. Once I saw them, I can’t stop wanting to have a bite out of these cute and delicious goodies.

Sushi Plate

Japanese Sweets

Cute Gifts

I wish I could really eat them…….

BUT, they are just ERASERS!!! I doubt I would ever use them. They can just be decoration on the bookshelf to tease me.

Japanese Kitchen Toys

Amazing Japanese toys!

Classic Japanese food: Curry and rice

I love the chicken drum and nuggets.

The salmon roes are too incredible! Hmm… I want some real sushi!

All these toys are very interesting. Everything looks so real. There is no heat involved. It is all about the power. And, the “food” is not edible. Japanese are definitely creative!

Interesting Vending Machines in Japan

Although the video is in Japanese, it is still fun to watch!

I wish there are vending machines like that in the US!